Engagement in Rotary Club of Greensboro
Getting the most out of your membership.
Active and engaged members are essential for this great organization to achieve our service goals. Attending meetings is an opportunity, not an obligation. When we join together different perspectives and backgrounds, professions and areas of expertise, talents and resources, we can see challenges in new ways and identify creative solutions. To this end, attending at least 60% of our club meetings and various events enhances our opportunities to accomplish Rotary objectives and further our service in our local community and beyond.
Achieving Engagement Points
Perfect attendance or “perfect engagement” requires 48 engagement points (roughly one per week) during the Rotary year (July 1 – June 30). While perfect attendance is a goal that some Rotarians pursue, it is not required. Club members are encouraged to earn a at least 60% of the 48 engagement (attendance) points – or 29 during the year.
The two primary ways to earn engagement points are:
- attend a club meeting in person or by Zoom;
- attend and participate in a club service project or a club-sponsored community event
In addition, the following activities can also be used to achieve engagement points:
- attend a regular meeting of another club, a provisional club, or a satellite of another club; (area Greensboro clubs meeting times and locations are listed below)
- attend a board meeting, orientation, or meeting of a service committee to which you are assigned
- attend and participate in any District level meeting, conference, training, or service project
- attend and participate in any activity at the Zone or International level of Rotary including the international conference
For those members who wish to maintain perfect attendance (engagement that is derived primarily from attending club meetings) there is a four-week window – two weeks before or two weeks after – to report make ups for a missed meeting. Attendance data must be reported to our Rotary District by the 15th of each month for the previous month. Thus, completed make-up activities should be communicated promptly to the club attendance coordinator.
Making up at Greensboro area Rotary Clubs
You can conveniently earn an engagement point by attending one of the Greensboro area club meetings. Meal costs are reciprocal, so you do not have to pay anything at the door. Where available, the link below is to the Club’s calendar so that you can confirm meeting plans.
Crescent Rotary Club
Monday, 12:30 p.m.
The Terrace at the Greensboro Coliseum
Greensboro Airport Rotary Club
Tuesday, 7:00 a.m.
WellSpring Special Occasion Room
Guilford Rotary Club
Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.
Weir Jordan House, 223 N. Edgeworth St.
Southern Guilford Satellite Club (Crescent)
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Check website for meeting info.
East Greensboro
Wednesday, 7:30 a.m.
Bennett College, David Dallas Student Union
Gate City Rotary Club
Thursday, 7:00 a.m.
Starmount Forest County Club
Summit Rotary Club
Friday, 12:00 p.m. (lunch starts) 12:30 p.m. (speaker starts)
Starmount Forest County Club
E-Club of Global Trekkers
Meets online, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Email [email protected] to receive an invite to participate in the online meeting.
For Rotary Clubs outside of Greensboro and within District 7690, login to http://www.dacdb.com/ and click on the Clubs tab. For Rotary Clubs all over the world, go to the Rotary International Club Finder https://my.rotary.org/en/search/club-finder