Service Above Self – John Englar named Rotarian of the Year
Joseph M. Bryan Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian of the Year – John Englar

At the Zoom club meeting on Sept 16, Immediate Past President Sam Funchess recognized John Englar with the 2019-20 Joseph M. Bryan Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian of the Year Award. Cited among his many contributions during the year was the extensive involvement John had in managing risk and legal issues with the final construction phase of the Carousel, coordinating the wall of honor donor list, providing hands on labor with building benches and securing temporary labor for the installation, and negotiating the gift agreement with the City of Greensboro and the Science Center. In addition to the Carousel, John has been active with RYLP and other club activities.
John’s wife Linda was instrumental in assisting with the presentation of the award to John. In response to this honor, John expressed his gratefulness for the opportunity to work with a great team of people who made the Carousel happen. He said, “My thanks was to be involved in a Rotary project that allowed me to grow important friendships with others.”
This annual award is named in honor of Joseph M. Bryan who was an active member of this club for many years. Joe (because we are a first-name club!) believed that being a Rotarian was an important way to give back to the community. The Joseph M. Bryan Foundation makes a $1000 contribution to the Rotary International Foundation in honor of the recipient which provides a Paul Harris Fellow designation for the honoree.
Congratulations, John Englar! And, thank you!