Angel Flight Team to Support Sick Veterans and Active Military
Contributed by Warren Ludlam
Our Greensboro Rotary Angel Flight team has formed an alliance with the Enduring Gratitude organization. The North Carolina group annually puts on a complimentary day-long outdoor sporting clay and pheasant shoot held to show appreciation to veterans and active military members who attend the large event at the Beaver Pond Sporting Club near Snow Camp. This year saw 170 former and active soldiers participate from throughout North Carolina.
Greensboro Rotary’s Angel Flight team has extended an offer to fly any of these active military and veterans who are chronically ill to their special medical care in our private planes at no cost to them, for as many trips as necessary. It is our club’s demonstration of appreciation for their service.
Enduring Gratitude (, a 501c3 charitable non-profit, provides those who have volunteered and sacrificed in the military with a memorable experience in the outdoors as an expression of its gratitude. Guests include veterans who have served in prior conflicts and put their lives on the line for our freedom, as well as soldiers currently on active duty. Our Greensboro Rotary club’s Angel Flight team is honored to join hands with the Enduring Gratitude organization in showing thanks to these men and women with our offer of free air transportation for those needing assistance in getting to their special medical care.