Helping Kidney Disease Patient through Angel Flight
By Warren Ludlam, Contributor
The Greensboro Rotary/Angel Flight team, supported by the club’s Foundation which covers fuel used to fly its missions, continues to volunteer in helping fly kidney patients, cancer patients, burn survivor children, tumor patients, organ donors, transplant patients, and others dealing with chronic health issues at no charge.
Helping kidney disease patients…
Recently, Jon Wells, one of our Rotary/Angel Flight volunteer pilots, flew a patient with kidney disease from her home in remote Currituck in the northeast corner of the state to Raleigh/Durham International. She is being treated at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center in Durham. The drive normally would have been difficult and uncomfortable, given her advanced medical condition.
Donations from the Greensboro Rotary Club Foundation are used by our volunteer pilot team to provide the fuel for their private planes used on Angel Flight missions, enabling them to aid people in need through our club’s support and community service. The flights by Greensboro Rotary’s pilots benefit chronically ill children, adults, and military veterans by making available free air transportation to/from their specialized medical appointments and for reasons of compassion. Club members wishing to experience one of our Angel Flight missions are invited to fly along by contacting Eric Perdew or Warren Ludlam.