Rotary Club of Greensboro Carousel

Donor Celebration and First Ride


If you received an invitation by mail and/or email to attend this event, you will be contacted when it is rescheduled.

In keeping with all guidelines and requirements, our Rotary Club of Greensboro Donor Celebration and First Ride event on March 30 is postponed.

While we are disappointed, we know it must be done.  The great news is that this carousel, which YOU made happen, will be around for at least 100 years… waiting a few weeks or months is a small price to pay for the safety of our wonderful donors and the community at large.

We will let you know as soon as the event is rescheduled – and it will be an even more joyful celebration!  In the meantime, please take care, wash your hands and check on others who may need assistance!

Greensboro Rotary Carous