For 104 years, we’ve been building goodwill, better friendships, and serving our community.
Let’s keep our good work going!
It’s amazing the good work our Club has been able to do over the last 12 months – coming to the aid of many nonprofits in our community who were faced with challenges associated with COVID – all while navigating new territory with virtual weekly meetings! A year later, we’re still going strong – still serving our community, still meeting each week, still focused on our goal, “Service Above Self.”
Here’s a snapshot of the difference you’ve made through your support in the last 12 months:
- Through the Club, we’ve distributed $32,500 to 18 local organizations and another $26,000 to the Rotary International Annual Fund and Polio Plus.
- Our Foundation administered more than $50,000 in grants to 20 local organizations during 2020-21, advancing our mission of service and responding to community needs.
- Combined, our Club and our Foundation invested over $108,500 in doing good in our community and in the world this past year.
It’s the time of year when we look ahead and consider how we can continue to put “Service Above Self” with our support to the Rotary Club Foundation. The need in our community is great. Like last year, we are unable to host an in-person gala to raise support; but the good news is our commitment remains strong. Our goal this year is to achieve 100% participation from club members in our fundraising effort.
Here’s where you step in….
When each of us joined the Club, we were asked to commit $300 each year to support our Foundation. We are asking you to honor that commitment, in the best way you can. If your financial situation has changed, and you need to give less or make a gift on a payment plan, simply indicate your situation on the pledge form. If the year has been good to you, and you can give more, thank you! The most important aspect here is participation, remaining focused and committed to our mission of Service Above Self. Choose the donation option that is best suited for you by completing the online form below.
Thank you so much for your continued generosity and commitment to our club’s ability to make a difference. Please contact one of us, or Pam Cash, if you have any questions.
Ford Bowers
2020-21 Club President
Freddy Robinson
2020-21 Foundation President
Jody Cauthen and Altina Layman
2020-2021 Club Social Co-Chairs